Tuesday, June 30, 2009

weather in the upper midwest

Last week, we had temperatures in the upper ninties. This week, we are lucky to reach the lower seventies. I have heard this statement for much of my life. " If you don't like the weather here, wait a day or two." Come on!!!! Where in the world is the weather likely to be the same? No where that I know of. People just need to complain and let off steam... That being said, I rather enjoy a drop in temperature in the summer. It gives me the energy to do more outside and in my garden. It is dreadful when you know that you have to weed and can't bear more than 10 minutes in 90+ degree temps. So, that is what I have been doing. The garden in looking great. Still more weeding could be done, but, all in good time.
As I previewed the paragraph above, I realized that I used a great many colloquial sayings. This must be a genetic trait, as my mother and aunt have more sayings from their birth state than you could imagine. A statement for every kind of happening in life. I once thought that I would publish a little booklet of their sayings, but, realized that they our precious to our family and I am not sure that others would appreciate them as much as we do. I will research this with my multitude of cousins and see what they say about this. TATA

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